
Trademark Services

Sharon Adams personally speaks with clients about trademarks

  • Trademark Clearance Searches

    • Search report and analysis of the likelihood that a proposed trademark will be approved for registration by the USPTO.

  • Branding and Trademark Strategy Sessions

    • Advice on modifications to proposed trademark that may increase the likelihood of successful registration of a trademark with the USPTO. Analysis of potential conflicts with other existing trademarks.

  • Trademark Applications

    • Correct classification of goods/services in a trademark application is essential for successful trademark registration. Sharon works with each client to clarify the classification.

  • Trademark Maintenance and Renewals

    • Trademark renewal requires showing “use in commerce” and the USPTO has specific rules about what qualifies as “use in commerce”. Sharon advises clients regarding the evidence needed to show “use in commerce” and files the documents required by the USPTO.

  • Respond to US Patent & Trademark Office Actions

    • People often file a trademark application on their own, or using an online platform. After filing, the USPTO may issue a refusal. Sharon assists these applicants to understand and address the issues raised in the USPTO office action.

  • Many services provided on a flat fee basis

A blue wall with the word trademark in white letters.
A woman sitting at a table with a laptop.

Direct Attorney Contact

Attorney Sharon Adams communicates directly with each trademark client about the specific facts of the trademark matter.

Trademark Applications - Sharon discusses the trademark and the associated goods/services with each client to identify the correct USPTO classification for each trademark application. In contrast, impersonal online platforms provide little to no guidance on classification. If the classification is incorrect it often means that a trademark application will fail. Getting the correct classification up front is essential, and Sharon is an expert at that.

Many clients find Sharon after being burned by an online platform that filed an application with incorrect classification, and she wishes she could have helped them up-front!

Trademark registration renewals – The USPTO requires showing “use in commerce” to renew a trademark registration. Sharon goes over the goods/services identified in the trademark registration with clients. Sharon’s years of experience give her insight into what the USPTO will require to show “use in commerce”. Sharon works with each client to provide evidence that the USPTO will find acceptable to show use in commerce.

Flat Fee Trademark Legal Services

Sharon Adams handles many trademark matters a flat fee basis.

Advantages of a Registered Trademark

Click on the video to hear Sharon discuss the advantages of having a trademark registered with the US Patent & Trademark Office. You can find more of Sharon’s videos about trademarks here.